Admission Arrangements
Applying for a place
We are delighted that you are considering our school for your child! We accept applications for reception and in years 1-6 where we may have spaces. For more information please contact the school office where we can book you in for a tour of the school.
Admissions to our school are managed through Derbyshire County Council. Please see the weblink below which provides guidance about application dates, offer dates in-year admissions and access to online application forms for school places.
If you would like to appeal against a decision, please scroll down the page for further information on making an appeal.
If your child attends a school outside of Derbyshire it may operate a different pattern of education. Please see the Derbyshire County Council website or contact the school for further information.
Useful Links
Admissions 2025/26
For admissions in September 2025/26:
- We will have a number of open days where you can come and visit the school in person. Please contact the office for more information.
- Application period: Applications open on November 11, 2024 and close on January 15, 2025
- Offer day: Offers are issued on April 16, 2025
- Appeal deadline: Appeals must be submitted by May 21, 2025
- Main appeal hearing: The main round of appeals is usually heard by July 21, 2025
- Waiting list maintenance: Waiting lists are maintained until December 31, 2025
If you apply online you'll also be able to log on to the website from this date to view your offer.
Published Admissions Number (PAN)
The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for Shardlow Primary is 14 pupils for 2025/26
Admissions & oversubscription criteria
See below
If you're unhappy with the decision you can make a primary school admissions appeal
2025/26 application round
If your appeal is for a child transferring to a junior school or starting an infant or primary school in September 2025 and you are told of the decision on 16th April 2025 (National Offer Day) you should submit your appeal by 21st May 2025.
If you are told of an infant, junior or primary decision after 16th April 2025 or it relates to an in-year admission you should submit your appeal within 28 days of being told that your application was unsuccessful.
Further information about admission appeals can be found on GOV.UK.
Statutory Consultation
The directors of Willows Academy Trust consulted on the admissions arrangements for Shardlow Primary School for admissions in 2022/23, in accordance with the statutory requirement set out in the School Admissions Code for schools to consult on their admissions arrangements every 7 years. The consultation ran from 9 November to 21 December 2020. At the conclusion of the consultation, one representation to change the arrangements had been received. This was considered by local governors and the Willows Academy Trust Board of Directors. It was agreed that no change would be made to the admissions arrangements for Shardlow Primary School for 2022/23 onwards.