Welcome to Erewash Class!
Welcome Booklet
Remote Learning
Our Topic this half term is...
We will be developing our knowledge and understanding in our local area.
This half term, we are Aboriginal Art!
We will be developing our Art skills by creating masterpieces using Aboriginal Art as inspiration.
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading we will be focussing on the text, 'Amari and the Night Brothers' by B.B. Alston. Here is a brief synopsis- When her smart, beloved older brother vanishes, Amari will do anything to find him again. Her desperate search leads her to unexpected friendships, the incredible discovery that her brother was working for a supernatural organisation, and pits her against the most frightening of villains – the dreaded Night Brothers.
Some of our English lessons will be linked to our topic of 'Australia'. Children will be learning about 'Dreaming Stories' and using their new knowledge and creativity to write their own dreaming story telling the tale of how something came to be. Our focus text will be 'Why the Koala has a stumpy tale'. There are so many lovely stories for the children to use for inspiration for this unit of work. We will also be writing an informal letter to a friend telling them all about the amazing places you can explore and discover in Australia.
In Maths, we will be developing our knowledge of place value, looking at hundreds, tens, ones and thousands. Children will be representing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000. We will also be rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. Further into the half term, we will be looking at addition and subtraction, including adding and subtraction across a boundary using exchanges. We will develop our understanding of estimating, inverse operations and using efficient methods for calculations.
Recommended Reads
Times Tables
Please remember also to practise your times tables- We aim to have GOLD in all times tables by the end of Year 4 in Erewash Class.
Bronze means you can say the whole table in order- eg "one times two is two, two times two is four....." fluently.
Silver means you can say the answer to any sum from the times table eg "what's 4 x 5? What's 8 X 5 ?
Gold means you can say the reverse division fact- eg in five times table, what's 20 divided by 5? how many fives in 15?
Things to remember!
Don't forget to ask an adult to sign your organiser and hear you read out loud at least three times a week at home!