Becoming a Governor
Governor Vacancies
Vacancies for parent governors and community governors arise from time to time and we always welcome hearing from you if you are interested in either role.
We are currently recruiting for parent governors to work with us. You can find out more about what the role involves by reading the information leaflet ‘Could you become a governor’.
How to stand for election
Our parent governors are elected by and from the parents of pupils attending our school. Parents or individuals exercising parental responsibility for a child registered at the school are eligible to stand for election.
If you would like to stand for election, please complete a nomination form downloadable below or available as a printed copy from the School Office on request. Your completed form must be returned to the school no later than 12 noon on 7th November.
It can be:
- emailed to the school office clearly marked Parent Governor Election in the subject line),
- delivered by hand in a sealed envelope clearly marked Parent Governor Election
- sent with a child registered at the school in a sealed envelope clearly marked Parent Governor Election
- sent by first class post in a sealed envelope clearly marked Parent Governor Election
A sealed box will be available in the Reception Area for posting your form. You are responsible for ensuring that your nomination form is received by the deadline and ensuring it has been received.
If we receive more applications than there are vacancies, we will ask if you are willing to take part in an election for the position. A secret ballot will be carried out in which all parents and those exercising parental responsibility will be entitled to vote.
If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please email Diane Dakin, the governance coordinator at, or telephone the school office and leave your contact details and we will get back to you.
Nomination Form & Eligibility Criteria
There is more information about the role of governors in the Meet the Governors section of our website. Being a governor is a voluntary role. It can be enjoyable, challenging and rewarding and our governors have a real part to play in making our school successful and supporting our children to aspire...achieve...thrive... No special qualifications are needed; the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please read the information below 'Could you become a governor?' which gives more information about being a governor and the important information on 'Eligibility' which outlines the circumstances under which someone cannot serve as a governor. All governor appointments are subject to statutory appointment checks, including an enhanced DBS check.
How much time does it involve?
The average time commitment is about five hours per month but it does vary month to month. This includes:
Preparing for and attending meetings. We meet 4-6 times a year, usually on a Wednesday evening approximately 5:30-7:30pm. Before meetings, there are papers that need reading such as policies, reports and data information.
Taking part in occasional school visits and meetings with teachers and writing up brief notes to report back to other governors. We also hold 1-2 ‘Governor Days’ each year to focus on particular aspects of school life and develop our skills.
Supporting some of the school's activities in an informal way to get to know the school
Is any training needed?
You don't need any specific training to be a governor. However, as a new school governor, you will be expected to take part in training to help you understand your role and develop your knowledge and skills. You will also need to undertake some essential training on appointment and annually thereafter, including safeguarding and data protection.
How long will my role last?
The term of office for a governor is four years. You can resign before your term is finished if your circumstances change.
Community Governor appointments
We have vacancies for community governors arising from time to time. Community governors are appointed for the skills they can contribute to the governing body. The school has an appointment process for community governors which includes completing an application form, having a short interview and visiting the school. This provides an opportunity for both you and the school to make an informed decision about your potential appointment. The school will also take up references before confirming their decision to appoint.
If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please email Diane Dakin, the clerk to the governors, at or telephone the school office and leave your contact details and we will get back to you.