Pupil Premium
At Shardlow Primary School we want all pupils to Aspire, Achieve and Thrive during their time with us and beyond.
Our ultimate aims for all of our children are;
• Aspire - to develop a long term love of learning and a desire to achieve
• Achieve - to fulfil their potential; achieving their best across the curriculum
• Thrive - for all of our children to feel happy, healthy and safe.
We aim to do this by;
• Creating a kind, caring, positive and nurturing school community where every child feels valued
• Providing a rich, stimulating curriculum delivered through high quality teaching
• Having a secure understanding of the needs of our pupils; using swift intervention and support where any of the above aims could be compromised
We recognise that our pupils in receipt of the pupil premium face specific barriers to achieving our ultimate aims and at Shardlow Primary School we are determined to use our Pupil Premium funding to provide the support and opportunities necessary to help our children overcome these barriers. We do this by ensuring our pupil premium strategy follows these core principles;
• We use the latest Education Endowment Foundation Guide to develop an evidence informed approach
• Barriers, challenges and successes are identified and measured using a range of information including summative and diagnostic assessment information which identifies needs in different areas including both academic and social and emotional needs.
• High quality teaching is at the heart of our approach- this is proven to have the greatest impact on closing the disadvantage attainment gap and at the same time will benefit the non-disadvantaged pupils in our school.
• Staff delivering targeted academic support are given appropriate support and training
Mrs Magner is responsible for ensuring that the Pupil Premium is spent appropriately and efficiently ensuring best value and outcomes for the pupils to whom it is allocated. Mrs Magner works with governors, teaching staff, parents and pupils to identify barriers for our pupil premium pupils and identifies strategies to remove these.
A 'link governor' is appointed to take responsibility on behalf of the governing body for ensuring that the school abides by its statutory duties and ensure that the Pupil Premium is used to raise the attainment, progress and life chances of the pupils. Our governing body as a whole regularly reviews how Pupil Premium funding is being spent and its impact.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.