Welcome to Shardlow Primary School!
We are a small school with big spirit! We don’t let our small size stop us from providing the best for our children and this is achieved through a shared vision and values amongst all our staff, parents, pupils and the wider school community.
At Shardlow Primary School we want all pupils to Aspire, Achieve and Thrive during their time with us and beyond. Our ultimate aims for all of our children are;
Aspire- to develop a long term love of learning and a desire to achieve
Achieve- to fulfil their potential; achieving their best across the curriculum
Thrive- for all of our children to be happy, healthy and safe.
Our values, the ‘Shardlow Spirits’ help us to create an environment where this is possible. Through the Shardlow Spirits our children learn the key characteristics needed to be effective learners and help them to achieve, whilst also understanding how to behave towards one another, maintaining a happy and safe environment so our community can thrive.
We hope that you can find everything you need here on our website, however if you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details on our contacts page.
Mrs Magner